Taste the Flavors of Multiculturalism
A Novelty Take on Traditional Global Treats With a North Carolina Twist
My Inspiration
‘Elaka’ is cardamom in my mother tongue, Malayalam.
My home, The Emirates, and my parents’ home state in India, Kerala, are my heritage and my inspirations. Diversity is what defines me and my heritage, and making frozen desserts began simply as a way to express myself.
It wasn’t until I moved to Greensboro—far from family, but surrounded by friends—that the dream of Elaka Treats started to become a reality. Fusing my global cultural background with my new home of North Carolina, I get to help my customers celebrate multiculturalism in one of its truest forms—food!
My Story
Born and raised in the Emirates, in a Muslim South Indian household, I moved to the US to pursue my higher education. I struggled to truly decide what I wanted to do, as I was interested in nearly everything!
In 2006, my marriage brought me to NC and led me to the path of a housewife. When I moved to Greensboro, I found a sense of belonging and home, thanks to my neighbors and dear friends who encouraged me to pursue some of my dreams.
After years of trying, Elaka Treats finally came to realization in 2019. Thanks to Lindsay Bisbee (of Kyookz pickles and Piedmont Food Processing Center, Hillsborough), I figured out how to kick off my business as a mother and woman trying to balance everything without losing myself in the process.
With the inspiration of my son (my company name, Za-Jinn, is in part a play on his name, Zahin), the support of my friends and family, and even the help of my Jinn 😉, I’ve survived the toughest hurdles and overcome my deepest fears on this journey.